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Advent, Weihnachten & Silvester
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Perreiraara Rapeepath Yellow

Perreiraara Rapeepath Yellow
29.95 EUR
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Displaying 37 to 42 (of 17970 reviews) Result Pages: [<< Prev]  ... 6  7  8  9  10 ...  [Next >>] 
by giorgio c. Date Added: Friday 15 November, 2024
Da anni acquisto da Schwertew Orchideenzucht e continuo a ritenere che questo è il migliore sito per l'acquisto di orchidee. Ho delle orchidee acquistate qui 10 anni fa che puntualmente tutti gli anni fioriscono. La gamma è vastissima, le piante ricevute corrispondono perfettamente alla descrizione, sono sanissime, arrivano velocemente e perfettamente imballate. Spesso, anche se sul sito viene specificato che non sono in fiore, la merce ricevuta riserva delle sorprese come nel caso della Bc. Gulfshores Beauty Torino BM/JOGA ordinata a fine settembre che a distanza di un mese e mezzo ha fatto 5 boccioli e ora sta fiorendo. Uno spettacolo! Grazie Schwertew Orchideenzucht, siete i migliori!

Rating: 5 of 5 stars! [5 of 5 stars!]
by Lorenza M. Date Added: Wednesday 13 November, 2024
I have no idea how to thank you! I ordered on Sunday and plants were delivered today in Luxembourg. The packaging was perfect, and the plants healthy and with stems. The phal minimark is blooming&#8230;I really appreciate also the mini labels with the care instructions. Thank you again, looking forward to next order. Lorenza

Rating: 5 of 5 stars! [5 of 5 stars!]
by Miklos S. Date Added: Wednesday 13 November, 2024
I have no words to say how satisfied I can be with this nursery. I recommend it with confidence. Thank you so much.

Rating: 5 of 5 stars! [5 of 5 stars!]
by Svitlana D. Date Added: Tuesday 12 November, 2024
Thank you for the plants. The package is well-protected. The plants are in good condition, Coelogyne pandurata has a wonderful quality.

Rating: 5 of 5 stars! [5 of 5 stars!]
by Ester B. Date Added: Monday 11 November, 2024
Plants areived in a very good shape ecen if the weatger was not ideal. Oncidium twinkle red was super with 2 stems and buds, while haraella retrocalla has a stem growing. Pity that a flower bud was lost, but the plant is super healthy.

Rating: 5 of 5 stars! [5 of 5 stars!]
by Cristina L. Date Added: Saturday 09 November, 2024
Die Pflanzen sind gestern angekommen, schnell, gut verpackt und wunderschöne Pflanzen, wie immer sehr zufrieden.
Vielen Dank und bis zum nächsten Mal

Rating: 5 of 5 stars! [5 of 5 stars!]
Displaying 37 to 42 (of 17970 reviews) Result Pages: [<< Prev]  ... 6  7  8  9  10 ...  [Next >>] 
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01.Tolumnia scandens
02.Haraella retrocalla
03.Phal. Mini Mark - 2 Pflanzen im Topf
04.Amesiella monticola
05.Phal. Tzu Chiang Sapphire
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Holcoglossum subulifolium x P. teres

Holcoglossum subulifolium x P. teres
12.95 EUR
9.95 EUR
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Schöne Pflanzen, gut gewachsen, sehr liebevoll verpackt. Weiter so! ..
5 of 5 Stars!
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Rhyncholaelia glauca
The orchid matches to the description, arrived in sphagnum m ..
5 of 5 Stars!