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Vanda cristata x Phal. wilsonii

Vanda cristata x Phal. wilsonii
14.95 EUR
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Grammatophyllum speciosum by Jeanneau L. Date Added: Monday 04 October, 2010
Grammatophyllum speciosum
Plant in good shape with strong roots and a really nice foliage.

Rating: 5 of 5 Stars! [5 of 5 Stars!]
Orchideenclipse - grün/groß by José M. R. Date Added: Monday 17 May, 2010
Orchideenclipse - grün/groß
Hola, espero que entiendan el español. Gracias. Quisiera saber como borrar los intentos de pedido q..

Rating: 5 of 5 Stars! [5 of 5 Stars!]
Chiloschista lunifera rot by Jeanneau L. Date Added: Friday 26 February, 2010
Chiloschista lunifera rot
Really good plant with a strong root's system with two floral stems.

Rating: 5 of 5 Stars! [5 of 5 Stars!]
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01.Tolumnia scandens
02.Phal. Mini Mark - 2 Pflanzen im Topf
03.Amesiella monticola
04.Bc. Golf Green Hairy Pig
05.Phal. parishii
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Laelia purpurata var. roxo bispo

Laelia purpurata var. roxo bispo
9.95 EUR
7.95 EUR
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Die Pflanzen wurden wie immer sehr gut gegen kältere Temperaturen verpackt. Sehr schöne Pflanzen und zur freudigen Überr ..
5 of 5 Stars!
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Phal. hieroglyphica 12er Topf
Beautiful plant with big leaves and lots of roots. Arrived w ..
5 of 5 Stars!